Bars and Churches in Quincy
Though we all acknowledge a large number of bars and churches in Quincy, Wild Quincy wanted to take a look at some numbers to see if that’s more fact or fiction. We also wanted to see what kind of a picture available statistics might paint as well. As a test we compared two cities to Quincy; Hannibal, Mo and Galesburg, IL. We picked Hannibal to represent a city that is geographically close to Quincy, that most Quincians are very familiar with. We chose Galesburg, IL as a competitor due to it’s overall size being in a similar category that Quincy falls into. In the podcast episode we throw a lot of numbers around, and we thought it’d be nice to have this page to serve as visual context to the audio, so you can digest the numbers as you listen. There is a lot of ancillary information, overall discussion, and some conclusions drawn…so don’t forget to listen as well!