Pinkham Hall Incident Show Notes
Below are the mentioned links and additional context for the Wild Quincy Pinkham Hall Incident episode available here. The following will add some relevant links as well as some additional context to the story.
Modern Day Location of Pinkham Hall in 1863
Pinkham Hall was located on what is now the parking lot between Roy Bennett Furniture and the Lincoln Douglas Apartments on the north side of Maine Street between 3rd and 4th Streets
Ruins of Pinkham Hall after fire destroyed building in 1879
Image credit: Historical Society of Quincy and Adams County
Additional Links for Content Referenced
“Needle Pickets” respond to call during Civil War by Megan Boccardi; December 4, 2011 ;
Pinkham Hall deaths were not-so-rare tragedy by Lynn M. Snyder; May 17, 2015;
We dive into the interesting history of Breweries here in Quincy Illinois on this episode. We invited Bret Austin, owner of the Dick Brothers Brewery Building to help us learn more!