UFOs in Quincy Show Blog
This blog entry accompanies our Wild Quincy Podcast episode “UFOs in Quincy” which you can listen to here.
Books Mentioned in the Show
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Incident at Devils Den, a true story by Terry Lovelace, Esq.
I’m a 64-year-old retired lawyer and former Assistant Attorney General with an extraordinary story to tell. Every word of it is true. For fear of losing my job and damage to my reputation in the legal community, I kept a secret. I was silent for forty years until circumstances in 2012 compelled me to eventually speak out. In 1977, a friend and I went on a two-night camping trip to a state park known as Devils Den. We had planned the trip as a wilderness adventure. Instead of a wilderness adventure we experienced an encounter with something unknown and unimaginable…
The Cape Girardeau 1941 UFO Incident by George Budding
A Southern Baptist Minister is drawn into a bizarre, strange, and intriguing mystery when he agrees to lend a hand at an airplane crash outside the city of Cape Girardeau, Missouri during the Spring of 1941 just before the United States enters World War II. There is something strange about the whole incident and the reverend finds himself taking part in a possible military and government cover-up. The events that night will haunt him and his family for years to come.
Misc. Mentions from the Episode
Quincy From Above Article about a 1897 UFO Sighting: Click Here
We dive into the interesting history of Breweries here in Quincy Illinois on this episode. We invited Bret Austin, owner of the Dick Brothers Brewery Building to help us learn more!