Quincy’s Ocean’s Eleven Bank Robbery

1874 First National Bank Robbery in Quincy Illinois Episode

The First National Bank on the northeast corner of 4th and Hampshire was thought to be “burglar proof”. That is until on the morning of February 14th, 1874, she the modern day equivalent of more than 6 million dollars was found missing. For years the crime would go unsolved, until another bank job in the country reveiled a gang of master bank robbers known as the Scott-Dunlap Gang, lead by Warsaw, IL native Robert C. Scott were the responsible party. Learn all the details of this elaborate intricate well planned crime that left area law enforcement scratching their heads. Check out the episode blog for great pictures of some of the robbers and other relevant imagery.

CRIME: Quincy's Ocean's Eleven Bank Robbery
Chris Koetters & Travis Hoffman

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