Wild Quincy looks to uncover and rediscover the unique stories of Quincy, Illinois


Chris Koetters

From working at a local radio station to chasing storms Chris has had a wide variety of jobs and hobbies over the years. Still today you can see his YouTube channel American Ghost where him and other fellow paranormal investigators check out haunting locations in the tri-state area. Now Chris is teaming up with Travis to bring you Wild Quincy, a podcast about the town that both call home. Besides Wild Quincy Chris can also be heard on the award winning podcast The Lost Boys of Hannibal that focuses on the disappearance of three boys in Hannibal, MO on May 10, 1967.


Travis Hoffman

Travis is no stranger to the local history and lore of Quincy, Illinois. Several years ago Travis started Qtown project, a web project exploring local interesting stories and history on Quincy, Illinois. The Town project ran for about 4 years and heavily utilized social media to share interesting stories and lore about Quincy for former and current residents.

Now married with two kids….thankfully with diapers in the rear view, Travis is excited to delve back into the Quincy history business with longtime friend Chris Koetters.

Travis can also be heard playing guitar and singing occasionally around the Quincy, IL area.