Drones Over Quincy
What’s going on with the strange lights int he sky, is it drones, or something else. We bring on local UFO enthusiast/researcher Teri Mosby to talk it over.

Pfanschmidt Murders Revisited
We revisit the Pfanschmidt Murders, if Ray didn’t do it, who did? We might just have another suspect. Get ready for an interesting discussion over just who did it.

Ted Serios and his Thoughtography
For more than 30 years this man lived a quiet life in Quincy. Did he possess paranormal/psychic abilities? We look back at the remarkable story of Ted Serios.

Mad Dr. Joseph McDowell
Dr. Joseph Nash McDowell blurred the line between genius and insanity Grave Robbing to keeping his dead daughter in a cave. You’re not gong to believe this wild episode!

Peyton’s Place Murder Urban Legend
Folklore or real? Listen as we dig into an murderous urban legend that seemingly rides the line between fact and fiction. Listen now to learn all about “Peyton’s Place.”

Ghost Hollow Road
Ghost Hollow Road….is it worthy of the spooky name? We look into the history and mystery of the urban legends surrounding Quincy’s infamous road.

The 1897 Quincy Airship Mystery
What was the mysterious object floating in the skies above Quincy in April of 1897. UFO, secret invention…we’ll dig into this aerial unknown and try to unpack the mystery airship.

The Blue Devil
What are the origins of the Quincy High Blue Devil mascot? Local sports guru, Matt Shuckman joins us to get to the bottom of things as well as talk about other wild stories from Blue Devil Basketball origins and history.

The Ellington Stone
A mysterious stone found in Quincy may be a smoking gun that could change the history books. The debate rages on about it’s authenticity as well as who may have left it here hundreds of years ago. Get up to speed now!

Rhoda Derry
Rhoda was a young lovestruck teenager, however the threat of witchcraft jaded her young love and sent her down a path filled with unspeakable horrors including supernatural behavior and mental distress.

UFO's in Quincy
Did you know a major national UFO reporting agency was started in Quincy? Local MUFON member Teri Mosby joins to recap that history as well as sharing local UFO sightings around the Quincy area As well as Chris’ connection to a UFO encounter on his family farm..

The Levee Walker
Tales of a mysterious orb like light floating along the north river bottom’s levees have made it into the Quincy urban legend storybook. We look into the alleged origin stories and investigate things for ourselves. You might be surprised at our findings!

Bars and Churches
Quincy has a long history of having a significant number of bars and churches. We dig into Quincy’s past and look into some interesting statistics to help explain why that might be the case.