Ted Serios and his Thoughtography
For more than 30 years this man lived a quiet life in Quincy. Did he possess paranormal/psychic abilities? We look back at the remarkable story of Ted Serios.

The Murder of Stanley Goodside
A love triangle turned to tragedy when Phillip Stanley Goodside was murdered and dismembered. Tune in as we rebound this gruesome crime that took place here in Quincy, Illinois in 1976.

The Stone’s Prairie Riot
Politics have always been a polarizing topic, the more things change the more they stay the same, Learn about this lesser known Adams County historical tale; The Stone’s Prairie Riot.

Harry Middleton Hyatt - Folklore Historian With Chuck Scholz
What does an Episcopalian Priest know about Hoodoo…turns out quite a bit, in Harry Middleton Hyatt’s case.Chuck Scholz, who actually knew the man, joins us to talk about Hyatt.